Change is my name
We requested for the following variations:
- Remove the feature wall between Rumpus and Family rooms. We realised we do not need two family or two media rooms in a back to back position. Redraw fee of $350
- Install glass wall to the Rumpus room, the idea is to have swimming pool view in our family room, the cost is $2,400
- Changes and additional LED lights in the Rumpus and Family rooms. $350 Redraw fee plus $150 on each additional LED.
- Laundry variation, to fit the washing machine and dryer. $3,400 less the previous variation
- Remove all the media alcoves and the feature wall. Redraw fees of almost $1000, however we are going to save 50% if we go outside WH to build all our media alcoves and entertainment wall or total savings of nearly $7K.
- Request for two grill stackdoor at the Rumpus and Dining rooms. $750 each