After very stressing 8 months, long waiting from the builder's end panel and secured the bank authorisation approval to commence the building, today the 17th of January 2018, the builder gave us the unexpected event, they told us we are paying $7000 hard cold cash because of the contract expired.
Apparently, the reasons and the cause for the contract to expired and charge us, as follows:
1. Delay of the land registration, and
2. Structural Change
Here are our side:
1. The land registration was completed on the May 2017, we advised the builder to start processing and lodge the paper works to build. That was gave us 5 months to complete the building and council documentations, 5 months.
2. We made change on our structure plan on April 2017, that was before the commencing of the building.
3. And finally, the builder's administration made mistake on submitting the structural plan to the council which cost us 6 months before we received the end panel document.
Overall, from submission of land title to received the draft end panel the processing was 6 months, however we only budgeted for 5 months, before our contract due to be expired.
Lesson learned?
Buy or asked for 18 months contract expiration or apply and highlighted the two words in your final contract,